Water inhabitants        02 декабря 2018        1383         0

Krill crustacean. Way of life and habitat of a crustacean of the krill

PP, E, A, V1 and V2 vitamins, iodine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, fluorine and sodium. It is the incomplete list of contents of the krill. Is in it and chrome, zinc, copper, manganese, polysaturated acids «Omegas-3» and «Omega-6», and also, astakastin. The last substance – powerful antidepressant. Sounds attractively. It was necessary to find out that there is a krill and with what how to be told, he is eaten.


Description and features of the krill

The krill – a crustacean, is more exact group of Crustacea. The concept collective, is united by the krevetkopodobnykh of beings from 1 to 6,5 centimeters in size. These parameters are considered as the trade.

Recent change of the legislation obliged to differentiate specific structure of the krill. Carried to it only euphausid. The sizes of the krill of this version reach 9,6 centimeters, beginning at adult individuals with 5.

Unlike shrimps at euphausidу gills on chest feet aren’t covered. Treats features of a structure, also accretion of chest segments of an armor with a carapace – back part of «armour». In front the armor has rostrum, that is, a hobotok.

krill-crustacean-way-of-life-and-habitat-of-a-crustacean-of-the-krill-7Restriction with the legislation of the concept «krill» complicated obtaining licenses for its catch. Now they are made out under concrete species of crustaceans. At euphausid their 90-that. Families only 2, and sorts 10. However, not all evfauzida trade.

Eat some types. The Antarctic krill is most demanded. The crustacean, by the way, is called by the Dutch word. Its translation: — «trifle», «crumb». The hint on the sizes of the krill is looked through.

In the Big Soviet encyclopedia bokoplavy-giperiida are ranked as the krill. They, unlike euphausid, live and in fresh water. To fishermen these crustaceans are known as mormysh, barmash and a hundred-foot. Nowadays they are brought out of limits of the concept «krill».

However, in the food plan of a bokoplava are so nutritious, as well as sea crustaceans. Taste is estimated not only people, but also fishes. They are lured the bormashy. The Baikal omul, for example, catch in ice-holes by method the submaiden, having allured fishes the handfuls of bokoplav thrown into water.

From euphausid bokoplava differ in a body structure. It flattened from sides. At the true krill the trunk is squeezed from top to down. Besides, evfauzida ravnonogy. Extremities of bokoplav differ in length. Forward feet of the ex-krill short, and back it is more than time in 2-4.

Way of life and habitat of the krill

The Antarctic krill – the name indicating dwelling of crustaceans in high latitudes. So conditionally call subpolar areas. But, some types of the krill live and in middle latitudes.

They occupy spaces from 23,5 to 67,5 degrees. In other words, the sea krill  isn’t found only in the tropical belt located in both parties from the equator to 23,5 latitudes.

krill-crustacean-way-of-life-and-habitat-of-a-crustacean-of-the-krill-3Absence of the krill in the tropical seas is explained by their small saturation oxygen. Its abundance is necessary for a plankton. The shrimp the krill also treats it. For it definition «macrozootoplanton» works.

In other words, the speech about giants in the world of sea microorganisms. In cold latitudes giantism is favorable. The area of a body concerning its weight is less, than at tiny creations. Such organism it is simpler to contain, support.

Having occupied a favorable niche, the krill excluded the competition. In the same tropic latitudes of small crustaceans of one hundred types. The mass of everyone is insignificant. The krill – the leader in biomass among similar. In cubic meter of water find about 30 000 individuals.

World reserves of the krill are estimated at  950 000 000 tons. Annually extract about 350 000 tons. Catch them from ocean blankets. The krill keeps because of a nutrient medium here. That or who enter it, we will tell in the certain head. So far, say, that at a depth for euphausid there isn’t enough production.

The krill lives in the seas packs. Congestions of crustaceans happen dense as if live carpets and stretch for kilometers. However, in open water the krill is visible not always. Crustaceans adapted to fasten on the backs of ice floes.

Shrimp-likedrift together with them. Anatoly Andriyashev assumed it. The Soviet ichthyologist several times was in polar expeditions. However, not Andriyashev, but Gruzov and Pushkin managed to contemplate behavior of crustaceans under icebergs for the first time.


Under ice of Antarctic scientists fell in the 1967th year. Data of underwater shooting published. Censorship tried to block material. In the USSR the krill was important object of trade. Data on him didn’t want to do public.

Trade congestions of the krill are typical for ocean areas with the raised bottom. In such zones multiple turbulences of currents are formed. They also hold crustaceans in limited areas of a surface of the seas.

Types of the krill

Catch, generally the Pacific krill. On a photo on the Internet 7 main trade types of a crustacean are presented. Euphausia pacifica – the cosmopolitan. In other words, the look meets everywhere.


On a photo krill of a type of Euphausia pacifica

Euphausia pacifica catch and at coasts of Canada with the USA, and at Japanese islands. In Britain too send vessels for the krill. Many times the area of dwelling of Euphausia nana is less. He rendered habitable only waters of the Japanese and East Chinese seas.

Nyctiphanes australis catch at coast of the Southern Zealand, Australia and Tasmania. In the north Atlantic located Thysanoessa inermis and Thysanoessa raschil. Both look is found in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence. Thysanoessa inermis reaches Japan.


On a photo Antarctic krill of Euphausia nana

The 6th type of the Pacific krill – Meganyctiphnes norvegica. This crustacean swims away to the south of «colleagues», up to Greenland. It is washed by waters of subtropics. Northern border of dwelling of a look – the Mediterranean and the American Cape Hatteras.


Krill of a type of Euphausia superba

If the krill – a zooplankton, eats it a phytoplankton. So call the microscopic organisms capable to photosynthesis, that is, standing on a joint of kingdoms of animals and plants. For photosynthesis the sunlight is necessary. Here the phytoplankton also keeps at a surface, attracting crustaceans there.

Typical plants of the hero of article too interest. The advantage of the krill consists in cleaning of glaciers of seaweed. They accrue on the backs of icebergs. For this reason the krill keeps colonies here and drifts together with ices. If to modify the fable «Dragonfly and Ant» to turn out: — «And under each glacier both the table and the house was ready».

Sometimes, the macroplankton doesn’t disdain similar, but the smaller sizes. Harm of the krill consists in rare instances an objedaniye to them the fish who was caught in a net. By the way the nutrition value of the hero of article surpasses advantage of the majority of fishes.

It is connected with ecology of habitats of crustaceans. Cold waters of Antarctic, for example, one of the purest on the earth. The nutritious base of the hero of article supplements environmental friendliness of meat of the krill macro and microcells.

krill-crustacean-way-of-life-and-habitat-of-a-crustacean-of-the-krill-6It turns out, twice the krill manages to sweep aside caviar for the last year lives. The first spawning is planned for the beginning of winter, and the second – for the end of spring. Caviar is postponed on continental slopes and shelves. The last concept designates shallows. But, though also pulls the krill on shoal, caviar is postponed at the bottom.

Phytoplankton – the main food for larvae of crustaceans. Growing up, they pass to seaweed. Similar and remains of fishes are eaten only in hungry times. They seem logical for reception in food of the krill.

Crustaceans are regarded by consumers too small. Remove an armor – remains nothing. However, the krill isn’t on sale in an armor. On production meat is separated water streams. Under their pressure the chitinous clothes of crustaceans fly away.


On a photo paste from the krill which goes on a forage to aquarian small fishes

If the krevetkopodobny are processed together with armors, Crustacea are reduced to powder and added to oils, pastes, sauces. If to take pure meat, the 200-gram jar will cost in 180-500 — from rubles. The exact price of the krill depends on the producer and a species of a crustacean. It is most demanded Atlantic.

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