Categories: Cat breeds

What to do if a cat has watery eyes? What if cats have eyes fester?

The reasons — why are the eyes of the cat sick?

Why do cats have watery eyes? Often, many cat owners notice that the cat has watery eyes and festering, which can not upset — because this pet in any case brings discomfort.

There are enough reasons for this, the main of them is conjunctivitis, especially not treated in due time. It is extremely important to cure the disease completely, otherwise it will return again.

In addition, it can develop into a more serious form, for example, in purulent or follicular conjunctivitis. Its first sign is the active discharge of pus. If the cat sneezes and tears eyes , then this may be an allergic reaction or a consequence of mechanical damage to the nasopharynx. Often this happens when a cat is  fed fish with small bones, sharp bones scratch the nasopharynx, which leads to the symptoms described.

It can also be damage to the eyelids that an animal can get during a fight or game. In this case, the inflammation can affect the eye itself and the lacrimal gland. It may just be an alien element that irritates the cornea. If for this reason the cat has a watery eye — what to do in this case, probably, the question does not arise — you just need to thoroughly wash the eye with warm water or strong tea.

Painful symptoms can trigger blepharitis, which can cause mechanical damage, thermal or chemical burns. This creates a fertile ground for the pathological activity of the pathogenic microflora. In addition, the cat may experience keratitis — inflammation of the cornea of ​​the eye.

of each of the reasons have some nuances, and it is good to know them in order to quickly identify the source of the problem and take all appropriate measures. In many cases, it is highly recommended to contact a competent specialist veterinarian, otherwise serious complications cannot be avoided.

In the case of eyelid bruises, obvious bruising and hematoma of the surrounding tissues are usually noticeable. Perhaps the beginning of the necrotic process. Redness and swelling around the eye can be observed. For injuries, the symptoms are basically the same.

Blepharitis is accompanied by cat itching and redness of the eyelids. She actively scratches her eyes, which is impossible not to notice. This way it extremely aggravates the course of the disease. Pyogenic bacteria, in particular, staphylococcus, penetrate into the tissue.

Visible swelling of the eyelids. Conjunctivitis of purulent nature. It mainly appears in two eyes, the cat becomes depressed, painful, and the eyelids become hot. The discharge of pus is liquid, then it becomes thicker.

Conjunctivitis follicular character. In this case, the lymph nodes are affected, the conjunctival sac begins to fester intensely. Eyelids swell, photophobia is possible.

Eyelashes stick together from purulent discharges, often fall out, the eyes of a cat are watering , dry crusts form on them, this prevents them from fully opening. In the form of complications may develop dermatitis and eczema.

Treatment methods

If a cat’s eyes are watering — than to treat it, be sure to advise a competent veterinarian. After carefully examining the animal and doing all the necessary tests, he will recommend the best treatment option. Immediately it should be noted that to determine the cause of the pathology, without prior consultation with the veterinarian, is rather difficult and even unsafe for the cat.

Illiterate treatment can lead to unpredictable consequences, with the disease becoming chronic. It is important that prior to prescribing the necessary antibiotics, studies have been conducted on the allergic reactions of the animal to these medicines of this group and their individual tolerance.

First of all it is important to establish the cause of the painful manifestation. This will determine the necessary treatment, which will depend on further results. If this is a simple injury, then you can do with the application of swabs made of gauze moistened with hydrogen peroxide — a 3% pharmaceutical solution is taken.

Processing should be carried out as accurately as possible, without harming the already damaged tissue. After processing, potassium permanganate is used, and antiseptic drops are buried. Also come with any injuries to the eyelids and surrounding tissues.

If the cause of the symptom was blepharitis or conjunctivitis — the cat must be placed clean room that is well ventilated. It is important to feed her well while she gets all the necessary nutrients. How to treat the eyes of a catwith these diseases?

If the eyes are glued from the crusts — they must be soaked with 3% hydrogen peroxide. After rinsing eyes with furatsilina solution and drip drops containing antibiotics. It is not excluded the use of ointments with disinfecting effect. In severe cases, the doctor uses novocaine injections. With the penetration of the infection into the depths of the tissues requires thorough antibiotic therapy.

They can be administered intramuscularly. Also, the eyes should be washed several times a day with 3% boric acid, after rinsing under the eyelid, a syntomycin emulsion or ointment with a similar effect is applied. If the pathological process gives the cat a clear concern, it is possible to use weak painkillers. Sulfonamides are suitable for internal use.

Prevention and care of the cat’s eyes

Why do cats have watery eyes, what is clear, but is it possible to prevent this undesirable phenomenon? Requires daily morning exercise for the cat. What do we have to do?

First you need to examine the pet’s eyes and the area around them for damage. After thoroughly wash the cat , removing all possible contamination. You should not wash cats with light wool with tea or herbal decoction — they can stain them.

It is better to use simple boiled water. By the way for this there are special gels for animals and other washes. Lotions designed specifically for this purpose or weak green tea are used to rub the areas around the eyes. Also used for washing broth sage or chamomile. After such procedures, it is better to dry the coat well.

After the lower eyelids and nasolabial folds are treated with a gel that protects against various infections, this is easy to do with a cotton swab. It is completely safe for the cat.

Does not dry the mucous membranes of the eyes, does not spoil the coat and does not cause allergic and inflammatory reactions. When finished, you should carefully comb the cat and scratch it behind the ear — it will be extremely grateful!


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