Horse breeds        14 ноября 2018        638         0

Yakut horse. Description, features, care and price of the Yakut horse

Feature of the breed and character of the Yakut horse

The Yakut horse is one of the few ancient and frost-resistant horse breeds . Its roots go far back in time. Historical data states that such a breed existed in the thirtieth millennium BC.


To great surprise, after many years, archaeologists began to find the remains of such horses. They assume that the ancestors of the Yakut horses are extinct tundra horses that once inhabit the land.

The Yakut horse has the unique ability to withstand even the most severe frosts. In winter, in the north, the arrow of the thermometer drops to — 60 degrees, and in the summer there is sweltering heat.

Rarely what animal could tolerate such temperature drops and difficult conditions of existence. Yakut horse under the force of all. That is what allowed these large ungulates to still not die out, continue to live and multiply. At present, the breeding of Yakut horses are engaged in the territory of Yakutia.


In 1988, the Yakut horses began to explore the territory of the tundra and they liked it very much. Scientists have managed to prove that horses can safely live even in the north. To date, three types of similar horses have been bred: northern, small, and large southern species.

The southern shallow species is the smallest horse of this breed. They are not a few suitable for reproduction and they are not crossed with their relatives. Yakut horses can be found on the spacious valleys near the banks of the Lena River.

In the north, people use horses as mobile power. Yakut horses are strong, strong, hardy and can walk a long distance without problems. The second use is the most common — it is a meat and dairy product. The meat of the Yakut horse is an exquisite and national dish in Yakutia. It is very soft and tasty, with daily use it cures skin diseases


Such mare’s milk is used to make kumys. It is enriched with vitamins, and it is very important for life in the northern regions. Koumiss and horse meat are the main diet of the Yakuts. With such frosts, any other domesticated livestock could not survive.

Photos of Yakut horses show how strong and strong physique they differ from other breeds. It is impossible not to notice their beautiful, long bangs, which almost closes their eyes. They are very smart and well can gallop about your whereabouts. The Yakut horse breed has a good undercoat, which allows them to endure frosts and beautiful, long hair (15 cm). This breed is able to find green grass for food, even under snow.


They live mostly in the open air. At 30 degree heat, horses feel comfortable. Each herd has its own leader, who protects his mares and foals. In a herd there are usually 25 mares with foals. They are long-lived.

Yakut horse breed is famous for its intelligence and ingenuity. They show no aggression towards people. On the contrary, they gladly show goodwill to the person if he came with good intentions.

Description of the Yakut horse breed

The Yakut horse has a large head that does not correspond to the body, a short neck and small, strong legs. The body is muscular and strong, and the back is rather wide. In comparison with the Mongolian horses, it can be concluded that the Yakut horse is noticeably distinguished by its tall stature and strong build. Stallions in height reach 138 cm, body length 147 cm. The chest is wide, massive. The girth is 172 cm. Mares tall reach 137 cm with a body length of 144 cm.


The girth of the chest is 171 cm. The hooves are stable and can easily move through the snow. They have a short step. The distance of 3000 meters at a gallop horse passes in only 5 minutes.

Horses only fully mature when they are 6 years old. They are kept as labor for up to 27 years. A foal at six months weighs up to 105 kg. When a foal turns 2.5 years old, its weight should be 165 kg.

In adulthood, a horse reaches a weight of 500 kg. The color of the Yakut horses is brown, gray and bay . In rare cases, you can find a horse with a savras and a muscular suit.

Fat Yakut horse in adulthood in the neck and crest should be 9 cm. In young foals 5 cm. The fat component of the Yakut horse fat contains fatty acids that contribute to the treatment of certain diseases (heart attack, sclerosis and cardiovascular diseases).


The Yakut horse has a number of features: their skin is thick and under it forms a layer of fat, as well as thick, long hair. This is a distinctive feature for the Yakut horse.

Care and maintenance of the Yakut horse

In the sweltering heat or in extreme cold, the Yakut horse always lives in the open air. They feed themselves on their own food. Under the snow, they take out the grass. In Yakutia, the snow is not large and the horses can easily find food with the help of strong hooves, with which they move aside the snow and take out grass. In the spring horses are transferred to warmer areas.

In summertime, horses are taken to spacious pastures. Horses, which are used as workforce in the winter period, are given hay in the form of top dressing. Mostly they live in prepared pens.

In summer, the Yakut horses shed a few kilograms. This is due to the fact that a large period of time they can not be on pastures. There are a lot of mosquitoes and other insects that make it difficult to quietly eat grass.


To combat insects, people use special smoke cups to scare away insects. They are not demanding to care. Rare combing of wool, and summer cleaning of hooves — that is, perhaps, everything that the fake Yakut used to.

The price of the Yakut horse

You can buy a Yakut horse in specialized equine kennels. Due to the fact that the Yakut horses are bred only on the territory of Yakutia, and the logistics of delivering the animal are fabulously high, the price of the Yakut horseremains unknown. This is a very rare breed, so most likely the price of a foal will be high. Outside of Yakutia, the breed of the animal is considered virtually unknown.

Feedback on the Yakut horse


My name is Natalia and I have always been interested in various breeds of horses. I was always interested to learn new breeds. When I read about the Yakut breed, it just struck me.

You rarely see such horses that can adapt to any conditions. On the other hand, I understand that in order to admire such a horse, I certainly will not go to Yakutia, but there is no proper application in the middle lane of such a horse.However, this superblock deserves a full 10 points.

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