Water inhabitants        23 ноября 2018        615         0

Caridea. Description and features caridea

Favorite delicacy of pollock and cod . Speech about the shrimp. Pollock is saturated with about 60 crustaceans. Cod eats about 70 shrimps at a time. Their species in nature are more than 2000, dividing into 250 genera. What is the difference between the bastards, why they are loved by fish?


Description and features of the shrimp bovine

Giant shrimp opened in the 1860th year. Identify the view by the following features:

  1. Rostrum devoid of thorns. It’s about the shell covering the head of the crustacean.
  2. The leaf part is equal to 1, 5 karapaks. The latter refers to the back plate of the shrimp. Sheet metal is called the tail part of the shell.
  3. The length of the 6th segment of the abdomen is twice its width. Abdomen called belly shrimp. It is known to consist of segments.
  4. Pale pink color with thin scarlet stripes along the shell.
  5. Blue caviar.
  6. The body length is about 7 centimeters.
  7. Weight 7-9 grams.


The size of the shrimp’s brachybeet and its mass depend on its age. Averages are indicators of mature individuals who have reached the age of 3 years. In the year the length of the body of the crustacean is 4-5 centimeters. There are 10-11 centimeters shrimp . They are at least 4 years old.

It feeds on the shrimp grunt with crustaceans. In the academic world they are called amphipods. They have 6 pairs of legs. Uglovkhvostoy shrimp legs only 10, that is, 5 pairs.

What are the reservoirs found

Eagle shrimp — northern , loves cool waters. The species is even called Okhotsk, since the main population is concentrated in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. There are uglohvosty in other seas of the Pacific Ocean, for example, in the Bering Sea.

More than half of the crustaceans are kept in the shelf zone. It affects the density of clusters of shrimp. In 15 minutes of trawling, you can get 10 tons of crustaceans. Trawl is called a bag-like net fixed on steel cables towed behind a ship.

Occupying space in the seas, Far Eastern shrimp is focusing on the water temperature. Loving the cool, crustaceans stay at the bottom. The temperature there is from -1.7 to +3.5 degrees. It is important for the bluff and the current. Shrimps gather where it is weak or on the periphery of powerful streams. In this case, the crustaceans are concentrated in the recesses of the bottom.


Uglohvost prefers not just salt, but saturated salt water. Note that among the 2000 species of shrimp there is even freshwater. An isolated separate species is not divided into subtypes. All crustacean groups have uniform identification features.

Angling shrimp

The northern shrimp is an innocent species. TAC — abbreviation of the notion “public catch”. The catch of many species is set «ceiling». Inanimate animals, fish, crustaceans can be mined in any quantities. This indicates the mass character of populations.

The heroine of the article is so common that it has several names assigned to it in different territories of the fishery. The names «Okhotsk» and northern have already been mentioned. There is also the concept of grubby Magadan shrimp . The name is different, but the essence is the same.


Catch the prey mainly at night. After 9 pm crustaceans rush into the water column. By 8-9 o’clock in the morning, shrimps sink to the bottom. It is harder to catch animals here. Juvenile shrimp migrate more actively. The amplitude of movements of large individuals is less. Crustaceans are oriented during movements to currents.

The daily movement of the vermin is not systematic. Crustaceans can stand at the bottom for several days, and then rise to the surface for a couple of days. Scientific explanation of the phenomenon yet.


Breaking away from the bottom, the shrimp become vulnerable. Most individuals are attacked in the water column, near its surface. Speech including about shrimp extraction by the person. Why, then, animals rush to the top? The question remains open.

The charcoal is considered a valuable species due to the taste and benefits hidden in the crustacean meat. The product is tastier than the shrimps of tropical latitudes, and even a relative of the heroine of the article — a northern species. In addition, the meat of the uglohvosta is rich in calcium, iodine, zinc, potassium, omega-3 acids, vitamin E.

Reproduction and longevity

The shrimp in the photo can appear in 7 species. Exactly so many stages of development passes the larva of the crustacean. In the first 2 stages, the tails are evenly distributed over the depths of the seas. From the 3rd stage of development, the shrimp keep closer to the shores.


Bovine prawns are born by male individuals. By the age of three, some of the crustaceans become female. In biology, these species are called protandric hermaphrodites. Having lost the male features, the females of the ugly tail release pheromones into the water. Their smell attracts males. Mating lasts about 40 seconds. After the females lay up to 30 eggs. It happens in the spring.

Reaching puberty at 3 years old, the shrimp are 5-6 years old. However, more often crustaceans die earlier, becoming victims of predators, or being caught by humans. Far East enterprises are actively promoting the brand, supplying a tailpiece to the Russian market. Shrimps are sold both in natural form and cleaned.

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