Reptiles        11 ноября 2018        764         0

Macrovipera lebetina obtusa. Lifestyle and habitat

Features and habitat

Gyurza is of enormous size, reaching a length along with a tail of two meters, a poisonous snake belonging to the Viper family. Differently called Levant Viper. The average weight of an adult individual reaches three kilograms.

Many representatives of the species have a thickness that exceeds the size of the human hand. The snake of a gyurza differs in the wide and large head, monophonic or with drawing from spots and arches.


The snake gurse

The neck is relatively small and clearly stands out from the head. Eyes and pupil vertical. The skin is covered with scales, the belly and tail have bristles. Drawing and coloring the most various. The snake gurse (as seen in the photo ) is monochromatic: brown, brown, and black, often in a violet hue.

Sometimes it may be covered with dark brown spots. Dwells in Asia and Africa. From the space of the former USSR, where this species of reptiles was considered the largest representative of the fauna, there is a gurza snake in Dagestan , in the North Caucasus, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.


In Russia, it is a rare and endangered species and for this reason is listed in the Red Book. The size of the population of this species of reptiles is sharply reduced due to their numerous extermination.

However, in the domestic expanses it is the most dangerous and deadly snake , a bite of a cure similar only to an Asian cobra. Its poison is extremely effective and is a dangerous hemolytic substance, and 50 milligrams of it is enough for a lethal outcome.

When poison in human blood, the structure of red blood cells in the blood is destroyed. Every year, up to several thousand people become victims of this species of snake. That is why it is better to know: what a snake looks likein order to prevent a possible danger in time.

Gyurza prefers to settle in areas with arid climate and inhabits semi-desert areas, which are considerably overgrown with shrubs. It is also found in areas occupied by a person as a result of his life activity.


It often happens that snakes dwell on the outskirts of large cities and near irrigation canals, dwelling on cultivated land. In particular, much is known about the Kizlyar gyurts — snakes that have settled near residential houses and country camps. They are distinguished by a small number of spots and numerous shields in the abdominal region.

Character and way of life of the snake gurzy

Peculiarities of behavior and habits of a gurza directly depend, as in many animals, on the season. In hot and dry periods, she prefers to be active only at night, hiding from the scorching sun. And in more favorable periods, in the spring or in the autumn it masters the daily lifestyle.

During the winter, snakes form small groups of 5–12 individuals, hiding in shelters that can be located on cliffs or at the foot of rocks. But they can settle for the winter and alone. They crawl out into nature and break into active life when the average daily air temperature becomes +10 ° C and higher.


Female and male gurzy

The snake can be seriously dangerous not only for the unwary traveler, but also for livestock and domestic animals. When attacking, she makes sharp throws in the direction of her victim to the entire length of her huge body. Even experienced serpents can suffer from her cunning and aggressiveness.

Since snake venom gurzy contains hemostatic substances, medicines are made from it. Many serpentariums are engaged in catching, keeping and breeding this type of poisonous snakes, then realizing their poison for medical purposes.

To keep the gurza in nurseries, use either terrariums or special rooms with an artificial climate and the ability to regulate the temperature, as well as the length of daylight hours.

There is a mandatory changeable mode of heating and ventilation. Special nurseries are also built in nurseries where clean water is always contained. In terrariums, where usually no more than one individual is placed, content for sand is more preferable than in common rooms with a large number of tribesmen.


Gyurza, like all snakes, likes to bask in the sun

This will allow you to carefully monitor the condition of the body and the health of reptiles and in time to take the necessary measures to identify possible painful symptoms. It is easier to follow the diet and completely eliminate possible conflicts between snakes, as well as the consequences of their aggressive behavior.

Nutrition Gyurzy

According to the laws of nature, all snakes are treacherous predators. The poisonous snake of the gyurza settles near cool springs, in picturesque oases and along the shores, which give pleasant moisture in the heat, rivers, where it loves to swim and hunt waterfowl along the way and animals that came to drink water.

The snake eats small rodents, among which there are rugs, gerbils, pikas, and also rats. Gyurza can eat sparrows, lizards and other snakes. Often the snake waits for its victim, perching on some stone, showing incredible deceit and patience, making a sharp and lightning throw when approaching prey.

Squeezing the victim in a vice, she does not let her go until the poison begins to act, after which she swallows entirely without a trace. With a wonderful appetite, the gurza immediately continues to hunt for new victims. In the spring and autumn, Gyurza likes to seek out prey in places where migratory birds spend the night, setting up ambushes on them in bushes and vineyards.


It is hard to notice a gurzu on a tree.

Gyurza can perfectly climb trees, which also greatly helps her in hunting. Newly born cubs of this species of reptiles independently feed themselves for food and may well be content with insects.

Reproduction and life expectancy

This type of reptile belongs to the egg-laying fauna. The marriage period for the bastard begins in early April and ends in mid-June. And in the last month of summer, Gyurza mother lays eggs, the number of which ranges from 15 to 30, in some cases up to 40 pieces. They are covered with a leathery thin translucent shell.

After 4-7 weeks of them appear small serpents, the size of which does not exceed 25-27 cm, and they weigh a little more than ten grams. Immediately after birth, serpents crawl in different directions, starting an independent life. Parents are no longer interested in them.


In autumn, they hibernate for 4-5 months. The ability to produce their own offspring snakes receive three years. Life expectancy of a gurza in the wild is a little over a decade. In captivity with good care reptiles of this species often reach the age of 18-20 years.

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